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Green Mountain Energy make it a breeze to do your part for a cleaner, greener future. No matter who currently provides your company with electricity, we can help you find cost-effective ways to reduce your impact on the environment with RECs and carbon offsets.

What is a REC?

A REC, short for renewable energy certificate or renewable energy credit, is an intangible asset playamo casino bonus codesrepresenting the environmental attributes of 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy. It can be sold separately from the actual electricity produced by a wind farm, solar field or other renewable energy facility, enabling you to use renewable energy regardless of where you’re located or what company supplies your electricity.

When you purchase a REC, you ensure that 1 MWh of renewable energy is put onto the grid on your behalf. It can also be used to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of an equivalent amount of fossil fuel electricity generation.

What is a carbon offset?

A carbon offset represents 1 metric ton (about 2,200 pounds) of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or prevented as a result of methane capture at landfills, reforestation and other carbon-reduction efforts. Offsets can be used to help neutralize playamo casino loginyour organization’s carbon footprint, allowing you to have a smaller net impact on climate change.

Customized sustainability solutions

We offer businesses a diversified portfolio of high-quality, playamo casino|Free Bonus_Tracks RECs and carbon offsets. We also support projects with industry-leading certification standards to ensure environmental integrity and transparency. These—combined with our decades of experience in clean energy—mean that you can be confident in reducing your environmental impact and achieving your business sustainability goals when you team up with Green Mountain.

Our products, experience and customer commitment help us tailor the perfect solutions for your business. They include:

  • REC and carbon offset procurement from high-quality projects with industry-leading certifications and third-party audits
  • playamo casinoThe ability to earn points toward LEED certification
  • Marketing and promotional opportunities with Green Mountain’s customer base

Want to make your business more sustainable?

Contact us today to learn about our renewable energy solutions and get a customized quote for your business.

Our customers have avoided


pounds of CO2

That’s like planting


new trees.