Green Mountain Energy® Blog

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Thank you for keeping clean energy trending
Thank you for keeping clean energy trending
Thank you for keeping clean energy trending

During this season of thanks, we’re reflecting on our clean energy mission and the strides we’ve made because of your playamo casino no deposit bonus|Free Spins_Get Enjoying the beautiful colors of fall all around us helps us keep preserving our precious resources a priority. Your eco-endeavors have helped avoid almost 37.7 billion pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. That’s equivalent to:

  • Taking 3.6 million cars off the road for a year

  • 7 million households turning off their lights for a year

  • Planting 4.5 million trees
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Carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas responsible playamo casino reviewfor holding heat in the atmosphere. The increase of greenhouse gases contributes to the greenhouse effect, which is one of the leading causes of global warming. Your efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions are actually aiding in the climate change solution.

And because of your dedication to us, we are also the nation’s playamo casino|Free Bonus_Markets Served & – what an amazing accomplishment. And that’s all because of you!

We want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to achieve cleaner energy with playamo casino review|Free.

So, do you know how we work our eco-magic to ensure your carbon footprint is shrinking? We use renewable energy certificates (RECs) and carbon offsets to your advantage.


Renewable energy certificates represent the environmental attributes of one megawatt-hour of renewable energy. They can be sold separately from the actual electricity produced by a wind farm or other renewable energy playamo casino no deposit bonusfacility. When an REC is purchased, we’ve offset the electricity used by ensuring renewable energy is put on the grid on your behalf.

Carbon offsets

Carbon offsets are investments in projects that reduce or avoid carbon dioxide emissions. Preventing deforestation, capturing methane at landfills and wastewater treatment facilities, and using energy more efficiently are all examples of projects where carbon offsets might be sourced. Destroying or sequestering the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions in one place to offset playamo casino review|Free taking place somewhere else is basically how it works. When at least one metric ton (2,200 pounds) of greenhouse gas emissions has been reduced or avoided, then a carbon offset has been achieved.

As the year starts to wind down, take a moment to reflect on all that you’ve achieved around your home to better our environment. Then ask yourself, “Could I add a touch of green in my playamo casinoday-to-day activities, too?” In just a few easy steps you can find out how to neutralize your carbon footprint so that even Mother Nature will feel indebted to you for your eco-actions.

Learn how your life and home can be Powered By Sunshine.

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Our customers have avoided

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pounds of CO2

That’s like planting


new trees.